Customer Orientations


Success is a relative concept. It may change according to company, conditions, financial instruments, and size. For the Saray Printing Corporation, success means ‘’happy customer’’ and is embedded in our corporate culture. For this reason, a custmer-focused approach has been adopted at all phases of sales, production, shipment and delivery procedures. Customer requests and expectations met and managed by professional permanent staff. In this framework, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices have been developed.
Customer satisfaction is a continuous duty for Saray Printing Corporation. Processes are structured under the following philosophy - ‘’ One satisfied customer is worth a hundred new customers’’. Its organizational structure is dynamic and flexible in order to meet unexpected and sudden customer requests when needed.
Private and govermental affairs are realised by obeying diligently to features and terms stated in contracts or bid specifications. At the same time, principles of customer satisfaction philosophy are applied during all working processes. Factors such as workload, lack of time, price competition do not effect finishing and delivery times as well as quality and reliability of a job.
Customer satisfaction principles are applied continiously during production, sales and after sales relations. This customer satisfaction principle has been embedded in the corporate genetic codes of Saray Printing Corporation.
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